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Cilindros Manifold


NITROGAS has a wide range of manifold gas springs for whatever force, stroke or size requirements the customer may need. The manifold gas cylinders are to be connected directly to a common system intercommunicating with all cylinders. For this purpose the cylinder manifold has a threaded base that fits the specific housing of the manifold plate.

Manifold gas springs catalogcatalogo

Placas Manifold


NITROGAS has extensive experience in the design and construction of manifold plates. The gas springs share a common reservoir within the collecting system that allows users to adjust the pressure according to their needs. Key Benefits:

  • - Force flexibility.
  • - High forces in reduced space.
  • - No hose connections.
  • - Faster force adjustment.
  • - Easier filling and control of the system.
  • - Custom design based on customer needs.
  • - Complies with regulations PED 97/23/EC.

Manifold plates catalog catalogo